Minor surgery
At The London, our doctors can perform some minor surgical procedures on-site. We remove moles, skin papilloma and small lumps. These frequently require surgical excision with suturing followed by suture removal one week later. You should make an appointment with the doctor for them to assess the need for a minor surgical procedure, following which you can make an appointment for this procedure. In some cases it can be done on the same day unless pre-approval is required by your insurance group.
You will need to sign a consent form and we will perform the procedure under aseptic conditions. The procedure itself is performed using a local anesthetic and usually takes no longer than 15 minutes. We will give you instructions about the care of your wound, its follow up and some painkillers. All biopsies are sent to histology in order to exclude any sinister changes. We can give you the result of your biopsy one week later during your follow up consultation when you will have the sutures removed. If you have more significant and larger lumps, we will advise you about a referral to a surgical specialist.
At The London, our doctors can perform some minor surgical procedures on-site. We remove moles, skin papilloma and small lumps. These frequently require surgical excision with suturing followed by suture removal one week later. You should make an appointment with the doctor for them to assess the need for a minor surgical procedure, following which you can make an appointment for this procedure. In some cases it can be done on the same day unless pre-approval is required by your insurance group.
You will need to sign a consent form and we will perform the procedure under aseptic conditions. The procedure itself is performed using a local anesthetic and usually takes no longer than 15 minutes. We will give you instructions about the care of your wound, its follow up and some painkillers. All biopsies are sent to histology in order to exclude any sinister changes. We can give you the result of your biopsy one week later during your follow up consultation when you will have the sutures removed. If you have more significant and larger lumps, we will advise you about a referral to a surgical specialist.