Sexual Health screening
It's a fact that most men and women feel embarrassed about visiting their doctor to discuss sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). At The London Medical Clinic we offer an extensive range of services, from testing to treatment, by doctors who will treat you with full sensitivity and total confidentiality.
Testing involves taking a detailed history and maybe an examination followed by a blood test, urine test and usually (although not always) a swab. Tests can be requested individually if you only require testing for one sexually transmitted infection or as a package for a full check up. A full range of sexual health tests are available.
Test results can be done urgently if required, but in some circumstances it may be appropriate to start medication before the results come back.
A same-day HIV test is available.
If you need treatment you can collect the medication from our on-site pharmacy after consultation with the doctor. The doctor will contact you personally to explain the findings or to arrange a follow up consultation.
If you think you are at risk - act quickly. The longer you delay the start of your investigation or treatment, the greater your worry.
The following tests are available at The London:
Herpes type I & II (HSV)
HIV - Rapid testing (2 weeks after exposure)
HIV 1 & 2 Ab and p24 (6 weeks after exposure)
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Mycoplasma hominis
Mycoplasma genitalium
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Ureaplasma parvum
Trichomonas vaginalis